after the sun comes the rain

Today: I was in the city with J. it was so much fun !!! First we went to shopping in the city than at ‚Nordi‘ after that we would go to the ‚Long Island Summer Lounge‘ BUT 'after the sun comes the rain‘ so we went to Maredo to eat something and drink Cocktails :D
I bought a new Jeans ( Black,washed from pieces), Sweatshirt(red and slim from H&M) and a Dress ( gray with cutting on the back ). Wish you a nice evening and a wonderful night (;
love, Marie <3

3 Kommentare:

Stitched Swallows hat gesagt…

dankeschön für den lieben kommentar!! :)
kann ich nur zurückgeben, das sind sehr hübsche fotos :>

l hat gesagt…

hahahha, die juuuulia ♥ :)

Marie Lynn G. hat gesagt…

voll die fressäckin, genau wie ich :D <3